Saturday 6 January 2018

Rundown of people-oriented projects & economic empowerment programmes by Hon. Dachung Bagos

 It is true that true and genuine success of a person is measured by the number of persons he/she is able to impact positively.

The biggest and most profiting investments are those done on human beings.

Value addition to human beings and the society should be paramount and the target of every human being.

In all we do in life, our focus should be to impact and influence lives positively and not live the lives to impress other.

It is with the aforementioned that Mr. Dachung Musa Bagos has been shining the light, empowering the less privileged and carrying out people-oriented programmes to bring succor to the people with the aim of equipping the next generation to get them ready to take leadership positions in different professions a in order to make them useful to themselves, families and to the society.

To Mr. Dachung Musa Bagos, seeing people fulfilled, happy and empowered to fulfill their destinies in life is his target.

He has lived most of his life touching lives, giving hope to the hopeless and being voice to the violence.

He once said "why should I be happy and fulfilled when there are millions out there who don't have food to eat, clothes to wear, water to drink, work to do and shelter"
"I want my life to be that of positive impacts and influence to humanity and the society"
"I want to shine the light and make the society bright as well as invest well in people and equip them for future tasks"

Dachung Bagos is a Human Rights Activist, a great philanthropist, a good governance crusader, a public affairs analyst, a fighter of corruption and a source of inspiration to many.

Below are some of his empowerment, people-oriented projects and programmes:

1. Commissioning of the Musa Bagos Free Malaria Testing and Treatment Centre, Vom (April 27th, 2012)

2. Hosting of the World Malaria Day, April 27th, 2012 at Vom with over 500 people tested and treated for malaria.

3. Hosting of the World Malaria Day, May 5th, 2013 at Gyel with over one thousand people tested and treated for malaria.

4. Free Malaria Testing and Treatment Outreach at Government Science School, Kuru (June, 2012).

5. Free Malaria Testing and Treatment Outreach, Kogom Community, Vwang (Feb, 2013)

6. Free Malaria Testing and Treatment Outreach at Vwang, Jos South. 2012.

7.  Free Dental Treatment Outreach at Vwang, Jos South. 2012.

8. Distribution of over 1,500 treated mosquito nets from April 2012 till date.

9. Provision of branded T-Shirts to the National; Blood Transfusion Services, Jos Centre.


10. Free online registration, payment for forms and transportation for over Thirty (30) candidates for the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Exercise, 2012.

11. Sponsoring the reorganization and take off of the Vwang united football team and equipping them with training kits, jerseys, balls, etc.

12. Free online registration, payments for forms and mobilisation for interested candidates into Nigerian Air Force Recruitment exercise 2013.


13. Grading of the road to the Dagwom Rwei of Vwang’s palace (2012).

14. Grading of Vwang Community Football pitch (2013).

15. Distribution of household items to victims of attack at Kogom Community, Vwang and offsetting the hospital bills of the other surviving but injured victims.

16. Supporting the vigilante group of Vwang District with whistles and torch lights to aid their work especially with the threats of attack on the community.

17. Donation of mattresses, children food items, cash and clothing to a family of triplets at Turu.

18. Re-roofing of Government Secondary School, Gyel.


19. Sinking of borehole at Vwang, Jos South LGA. (2012).

20. Sinking of borehole at Ji-Yep, Jos (2012)

21. Provision  of batteries and gasoline to resuscitate a mechanized borehole at Vwang (2012)

22. Provision of electric cables and poles needed for the electrification ofsome communities at Vwang, Jos South LGA (2012)


23. Mobilisation of teachers and pupils of schools within Vwang Community to resumes classes for pupils who have been at home for over seven (7) months following the strike action embarked upon by teachers and workers of local government in Plateau State.

24. Provision of biscuits as meal breaks to pupils in primary schools in Vwang during the mobilisation exercise of teachers.

25. Offering of scholarship to surviving member of the attacked family at Kogom, Vom.

26. Distribution of over twenty thousand (20,000.00) free exercise books to schools at Vom, Hwolshe and Gyel Communities.

27. Provision of chalks to all primary schools at Vwang.


28. Valentine’s Day dinner and distribution of household items to widows within Hwolshe Community, Jos (Feb 14th, 2012).

29. Valentine’s Day dinner and distribution of household items to widows within Hwolshe Community, Jos (Feb 14th, 2013)

30. Valentine’s Day dinner and distribution of household items to widows within Hwolshe Community, Jos (Feb 14th, 2014)

31. Distribution of over 200 bags of rice to widows and teachers during Christmas (Dec, 2012)

1. One year Scholarship for students over 300 from The government secondary schools across Local Government Areas respectively.

2. A total number of 25,000 exercise books have also been distributed to the public primary school secondary schools.

3. A total number of 500 school uniforms have been sawn and distributed to primary school pupils.

4. 200 Cartons of chalk have been given to bought secondary and primary schools.

5. 100 cartons of Biro's have been distributed to secondary schools.

6. 700 cartons of pencils have also been given to primary schools.

7. 500 cartons of erasers was also distributed.

8. 15 footballs have been given to secondary and primary schools also.

9. We've donated 25 classrooms desks to Become community secondary school Turu.

1. 1,700 treated mosquito nets have been distributed to communities and IDP camps.

2. Over 4000 people have been tested and treated from malaria parasites across 3 local governments respectively.

5. Three free dental outreaches were held Vwang and Gyel community. 2340 Free tooth brush and pastes were issued during these exercises.

30 Baban Riga for 30 ward heads in Vwang district


N100,000 ( one hundred thousand women micro credit scheme
N100 000 (One Thousand Naira) for  Vwang for women empowerment
N500, 000 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) for Jos south women empowerment.

1. Restoration of light at chugwi
Many more.

2019: We will contribute significantly to buying Pres. Buhari's nomination form - Anambra Monarch

Ifitedunu community of Dunukofia
local government of Anambra State
has said it will make significant
contribution to the purchase of
President Muhammadu Buhari’s
nomination form for his second term.
The traditional ruler of the
community, Dr Emeka Ilouno stated
this on Friday during the ground breaking ceremony of a federal
government specialist skill acquisition center by the minister of Labour and Employment, Dr Chris Ngige.

The monarch said the community was
ready to make financial contribution
to Buhari’s second term as a gesture of
their support, and to also have a stake
in his government when he returns
“We will support the president for a
second term because he is doing well.
We only need that he tells us when he
wants to buy the form,” Ilouno said.
The president general of the
community, Chief Samuel Nweke said
the community will support the
president for a second term, while also
saying that Anambra would be glad to
donate the minister, Dr Ngige as a
running mate of President Buhari in
Nweke said the community is
delighted to donate the over 3,000
square metres of land to the federal
government for the centre. Reacting to the call, Dr Ngige praised
the community for freely donating
their land for the project, saying that
the good thing about the project is that
it was captured in 2017 budget, and
also in that of 2018.
“What that means is that the funds for
the project is already available. There
is not fear of the project being
abandoned. Federal government will
construct this skill acquisition centre
with maximum dispatch,” he said.
The minister said the construction of
the centre, which is also being
constructed in other parts of the
country would take care of the deficit
in employment and ensure jobs for all
category of persons.
Reacting to the endorsement of the
president by the people of the
community, Ngige reminded members
of the community that the APC was
one party that woos voters with projects and not money.
He said more project of the federal
government will still be cited in
Anambra state as a way to woo voters
in 2019.
He called on the people to continue in
their support for the president, while
also assuring that the president would
not disappoint them.

Approved schedule times for the Abuja to Kaduna Train Service

Here’s the approved schedule times for the Abuja -Kaduna Train 🚂 Service

1. 7:00am
2. 9:50am
3. 2:20pm
4. 6:00pm

1. 6:40am
2. 10:35am
3. 2:00pm
4. 6:00pm

Friday 5 January 2018

Gas Explosion Victim: UniJos Students solicit support from the public for Plastic surgery on one of them


The Students Union Government University of Jos, hereby solicits the support of Jossites and all well meaning individuals to aid in the plastic surgery of her student Ekeleme, Peter Obinna a 400 level student of Art Education with the matriculation number UJ/2013/ED/0303 who was involved in a gas explosion on the 5th of July 2017. The sum of #15million is needed for the surgery.

The account to send in donations is as follows:
Account number : 3011737491
Account name : Joy Ngozi Ekeleme
Bank name: First Bank

May God bless you as you support!

Picture news: Miss Plateau Abigail Zere Kim donates humanitarian materals & food items to orphaned children

As part of activities marking her birthday, Miss Plateau Abigail Zere Kim has donated relief materials and food items at an orphanage home in Jos (kids with a vision foundation orphanage)

Buhari Volunteers Movement Plateau Chapter, mobilizes to give Mr. President rapturous welcome as he visits Plateau

News at this blog's news desk indicates that plans are on top gear by a front line support group of President Buhari's re-election known as "Buhari Volunteers Movement" (Plateau state chapter) to give the president warm welcome as he plans to visit the state on the 30th of January 2018. The visit is premised on commissioning of some projects executed by Gov. Lalong. The president will also have an interface with stakeholders and youths on some of the issues troubling the state during a town hall meeting. BVM (Plateau chapter) calls on like minded youths and believers in the Nigerian project to turn out "en masse" to welcome the president. It is not yet clear how many days the president will spend and the schedule of his activities in the home of peace and tourism. More details will be put forward soon.

Tragedy as crocodile kills tourist, wife under life support

A ninety-year-old tourist was killed and another tourist left on life support when crocodiles attacked them as they paddled an inflatable boat in Zimbabwe’s Matopos National Park, a parks official said on Friday.
John Bowman, 90, and Rosemary Mitchell, 65, were canoeing at Mpopoma Dam, a known crocodile hotspot, when their boat was attacked, Parks and Wildlife Management Authority spokesperson Tinashe Farawo told Journalists.
Bowman and Mitchell are both Zimbabweans.
“The crocodiles attacked the air-pumped boat they were using until it punctured. Their colleagues noticed that they were struggling and drove to seek help,” Farawo said.
“When the park rangers arrived at the dam, Bowman and Mitchell were still under attack from the crocodiles.” Crocodile attacks are common in parts of rural Africa south of the equator.
They spike around this time of the year when hatchlings emerge and females leave their nests, which they have guarded without eating for three months.
“The rangers had to shoot at the crocodiles to disperse them and rescue the two and take them to hospital where Bowman died before arrival.
“Mitchell has life-threatening injuries and remains in intensive care unit in Bulawayo,” Farawo said.
Crocodiles typically grab their prey by a limb and spin them in a “death roll” which subdues the victim by drowning.

Credit: PM News Nigeria

Thursday 4 January 2018

Human Rights Activist IG Wala under detention, accuses Hajj Commission's boss of corruption

I am under detention at FIB (FCIID) on a petition by Chairman Hajj Commission on same matter in Court. I refused to write any form of statement for the fact that I know that Abdullahi Mukhtar is using his position to intimidate me or silence me.
I will be sleeping in the Police Cell knowing that the fight against corruption in Hajj Commission is yielding result."

(Scanned Documents) Sen. Dino Melaye influences different Fed. Government projects in Kogi West

Press Release: Middle-Belt Youth Council blows hot, vehemently condemns recent killings in region



4th January, 2018

Fellow Middle Belters, Nigeria is fully back to the state of nature.

The unabated killing of our people in their communities is a war declared on us and President Mohammadu Buhari is sleeping on duty. We should not make mistake thinking that Nigerian government will stop this situation. Every part of the country is defending its territory now. The Fulani terrorists will leave no part of the Middle Belt region untouched then they finally face the Southern part of the country with war. Despite the calls on Federal Government by Middle Belt people to stop this genocide, Nigerian government has deliberately allowed Fulani terrorists to kill our people on daily basis and there's no end of it in sight. We now call on Middle Belt people to rise up to this occasion while being law abiding, to defend themselves with any means available when the situation arises. Our goodness should not be taken for granted. We do not have trust in Nigerian government to protect us anymore. The ugly tactics of Nigerian government in Numan, Plateau, Benue, Southern Kaduna of recent are proofs that our government is not doing its best to protect us. Nigerian government has launched special military Operations and cracked down on civilian people in different parts of this country but the Fulani terrorists are treated with kid gloves even when they fired at Nigerian Air force jet in Numan, Adamawa state. It's evident that very soon they will defy Nigerian government authorities openly.

It's very unfortunate that our leaders who have served this country in the highest capacities have not said or done anything about these killings. The so-called Northern Elders Forum led by Paul Unongo, who defected from the Middle Belt, has become a toothless bulldog that cannot do anything about these killings in his own state, Benue. General Yakubu Gowon who recently opposed restructuring Nigeria, has never said or done anything against the killings of his fellow Middle Belters. Where are our retired officers who made names in defense of this country? Can't you see war on us?

We also call on the political leaders in the Middle Belt to rise up to this occasion. Most of you have been blindfolded with party politics and allow your people to be slaughtered everyday. It makes no sense to even serve in Buhari's Cabinet but the same government presides over the killing of your people. It makes no sense to be in opposition and keep quite or do nothing over the killing of your people.

We express our condolences to our people in Benue state over the recent genocide that claimed more than 50 people in which a whole community was sacked by the Fulani terrorists. We do not only condemn it but also call on our people to defend themselves with any means available to them. We strongly back the State Governor, His Excellency, Samuel Ortom to decisively deal with any Fulani terrorist that violates the Anti-Open Grazing Law in the state. The take over plans by the Fulanis should not be allowed in any part of the Middle Belt. We also extend our condolences to our people in Numan, Southern Kaduna and Plateau state over the recent genocide that claimed many lives and property.

We call on the friends of Middle Belt and the international community to call on Nigerian government to immediately stop the Fulani militia from killing our people. We do not wrong anybody but why the killings? If they are not called to order, definitely it will lead to lawlessness.

Lastly, it is our sincere hope that Nigerian government will take proactive measures now to put an end this dastardly acts. We do not want a situation where our military will be facing fighting internal problems every now and then because it will definitely polarise them. We also hope that our military will play their professional roles independently to protect our people.

God bless the Middle Belt people

Comrade Emma Zopmal
National Youth Leader,
Middle Belt Forum, Youth Wing

2019: Pastor Tunde Bakare to contest for Nigeria's president (Watch full video)

 Watch full video here:
Source: YouTube Channel

Opinion: Nigeria: The Ailing and Failing State - By Datong, Dominic Gwaman

First it came to the people of the Plateau, and I did not speak out - because I was not from Plateau; Then it came to the Southern Kaduna, and I did not speak out - because I was not from Southern Kaduna; Then it came for the Hausa Community , and I did not speak out - because I was not Hausa; Then it came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out - because I was not Muslim; Then it came to the Christians, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Christian; Then it came to me - and there was no one left to speak out for me. (Adapted from Martin Niemoller, German poet, 1892).
The above paragraph briefly describes the ailing and the failing path of the country Nigeria over the past few decades of unending violent crisis. The crisis started with clubs and sticks and it’s now getting to its climax with AK47s, Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and gruesome hacking to death pregnant women and children with machetes. Our various distinctions of religion, nations and regions are becoming more obvious than ever from attacks on communities killing one, then 10 then 20, then 100. Then the killing of 10 was then “not so bad” because we are used to 100 being killed. The value of one life is gradually eroding in our memories.
Gradually, militias are being formed filtered in the lines of religion, tribes and regions and the allegiance to the Nigerian state is no longer in the thought because when we were attacked again and again, it was not there to protect us. Now countrymen have to protect themselves. They will rise against the Government in protests and will out their arms to fight the visible enemy (The Government) since he that is killing is an “unknown gunman”. Then countrymen will provide security, shelter, healthcare and food for the various divided groups. Then it shall be known that the Nigerian state ailed and failed; the government in the centre is no longer in control because it had lost its relevance.
This is the fate of NIGERIA in a few days, weeks, months or years; if Government does not begin to look at the importance and sanctity of the life of one poor unarmed man attacked in the dead of the night for being of a tribe, of a religion, of a profession or of a region.
The time for the federal government to act is long overdue; act or you will be acted upon by the masses who live under the same threats of abject poverty and continuous insecurity.
This time a dying man wont wait to use the ballot papers because he knows he might not get to that day.
I am not a prophet, but I warn.
Datong, Dominic Gwaman
Conflict, Security and Development Expert

Philantrophy: Miss Plateau Abigail Zere Kim celebrates birthday with orphaned children

As a mark of honour and love for vulnerable and orphaned children, miss Plateau Abigail Kim decided to celebrate her birthday with them to put smile on their faces and encourage them to live their dreams. She wrote on her Facebook page that "I'm inviting you all to my birthday celebration Thursday 4/1/2018 by 2pm at kids with a vision foundation orphanage (K_WAVF). Behind Alpha academy by Dachung Gazu link Rayfield, it's before mai-adiko market Jos. Please you can come along with something that can be useful for the kids at the orphanage home, no matter how little. Thank you as you honour my invitation." More details will come your way later.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Perspective: To the young, the time is now! Come, Let's talk - By Arch. Hart Bankat

 I believe that the basic principle of liberal democracy should find universal acceptance. The grounding beliefs that mankind is born free and equal, should anchor themselves in the mindsets of modern men, women, children, the old, young, privileged and less privileged.

A belief in the modern world, that the true conservative who is respectful of the traditions of thought that formed our political environment, will be liberal at least, in the sense of accepting the convictions about universal freedom and equality and be responsible for claims of authority.

The true effects of cultural beliefs in particular, the peculiarities of unity through religion and ethnicity to corrode sentiments as crucial to a peaceful social co-existence as mutual respect and relaxed tolerance. I despair of the prospect of finding common ground with those whose beliefs prescind from civility, from the task of seeking, minimally, a convenient route or, maximally, substantial agreement.

I no longer see the task of agreed philosophy as the Hegelian enterprise of exploring and refashioning a consensus. Nowadays, we have to give as much attention to the dire task of drawing lines in sand, marking off values which we recognize that only some of our fellows deem worthy of its defence, values that are all the more crucial for being seemingly parochial.

The task ahead may seem daunting, laced with a perceived notion of great challenges but trust me, all we need is ourselves. The task of moral theory is to validate or generate moral principles, to serve as a foundation to our intellectual health having optional extras to renew the innate radiation of our capabilities.

With miscarriage of Justice, we become hostages to our collective fortunes. In doing so, we appeal for a great sense of duty with tolerance and cohibition... Where my rights stop where yours starts. Where we drag a pool of ideas to the fore front of administering our goals and agendas to every corner of our communities. A hub for group prosperity.

As citizens, we have clamoured so long by being better at claiming rights than defending them. In such a terrain of rights, I incline towards the eternal message from C. H. Spurgeon, in his connotation of the PRINCIPLE OF FAIRNESS... Which suggests that "All those who receive benefits from the cooperative efforts of others, may be required to shoulder the burden of contributing towards the maintenance of schemes that secures them - The State"

In conclusion, I borrow from the great wisdom of Theodore Roosevelt, Former American President in his autobiography. He said "We of the great modern democracies must strive increasingly to make our several country lands in which a poor man who works hard can live comfortably and honest,and in which a rich man cannot live dishonestly nor in slothful avoidance of duty, and yet, we must judge the rich and poor alike by a standard which rests on the conduct and not on caste, and we must frown with the same stern severity on the mean and vicious envy which hates and would plunder on a man because he is well off and on the brutal and selfish arrogance which looks down on and exploits the man with whom life has gone hard" (Sagamore Hill, October 1, 1913)

To the young, the time is now!

Come, Let's talk.

Arc. Hart Bankat


Condolence Message from Plateau APC Youth Online Forum to the family of Mr Blangnaan Danaan

The APC Youth online Forum wishes to commiserate with the Family of Mr Blangnaan Danaan ( A dedicated staff of the State Security Service attached to the Government House,Jos)
Mr Danaan was a dedicated, hardworking and committed young man. He was the orderly to the Chief of Staff, Plateau state Government House Chief John Dafan before his untimely death which occurred on Saturday ,December 30th,2017.
This is one tragedy too many for the Family as the deceased lost his Mother on the 15th of December, 2017.

We pray for comfort for the family and God's abounding grace to bear the irreparable loss.

January 6,2018
7:00 am, Corpse leave  Our Lady of Apostle(OLA) Hospital,Jos.
For Kwalla,Qu'an-Pan LGA
10:00 am,-Requiem Mass @St Patrick's Catholic Church,Kwalla.
Interment follows thereafter at the family compound.

May the souls of the dearly departed continue to rest with the Lord.

Pius Tongmaan

Opinion: Why Buhari should step down for Mathias Baba Tsado in 2019 - by Francis Onyema

How do you solve a problem like Nigeria?

There's insurgency in the North; agitation in the East and oil spillage in the Niger Delta region. Governor El Rufai’s plan to sack over 20,000 teachers in Kaduna State on grounds of incompetence underpins the fact that the nation's educational system is in disarray just as the health system continues to fail. Whereas Morocco are concluding plans to acquire what would be Africa’s fastest trains, the Nigerian government cannot boast of adequate road networks across the nation. The roads are in a bad state and often constitutes deathtraps to commuters who must meet their daily ends while not forgetting that electricity supply is not efficient to boost local productivity.

The most damning indicator that the end of Nigeria's problem is not clearly in sight,  especially with this crop of leaders at the helm of public affairs, is the recent fuel scarcity that has become almost synonymous with the Christmas season. It is embarrassing that a State that produces more than 2 million barrels of crude oil daily cannot refine her own crude and “wet the land" with enough Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) that would serve the need of every Nigerian. It is particularly unacceptable that issues of urgent national interests are relegated to the theatre of comedy as the Minister of Information Lai Mohammed made us believe that the recent fuel scarcity was a result that Nigerians bought more cars in the almost concluding year, 2017. The United States of America, with a population of over 300 million people, is known to have more than twice as much cars as Nigeria have, had never had it so bad to be scrambling for PMS at the end of every year. These indices point to the fact that there's an underlying problem we are yet to address as a people - the problem of leadership.
Most saddening, however, is the increasing rate of unemployment in the country as the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) suggests the country’s unemployment rate rose from 14.2% to 18.8% in 2017. It also said that Nigeria’s labour population increased from 83.9 million in the second quarter to 85.1 million in the third quarter of 2017, a difference of 1.2million in additional workforce. This practically means there's increasing hardship in the land. Unfortunately, it is the ordinary Nigerians who bear the brunt of failed leadership in the country. The ruling elites continue to cling on to power, even at a age that they are incapacitated health-wise, just to loot our national treasury and consolidate power. A friend once opined that most of the leaders we have in the country are those who should be in Bahamas or somewhere around the world spending colourful holidays with their grandchildren. I do solemnly agree with him and believe that it is time for President Buhari to bow out of politics and give Mathias Baba Tsado a chance in the forthcoming 2019 Presidential election.
Almost 3 years into his administration, President Buhari is yet to deal with the issue of Boko Haram insurgency decisively and recently requested that the National Assembly approved a $1 billion fund to quash the terrorist group. It is a pity that the presidency is yet to clearly direct the military to unravel the sponsors behind the Boko Haram dastard acts as a strategy to deal with the insurgency decisively.

It is no secret that despite claims of the Buhari led administration of recovering and generating more funds through government agencies and strengthening the reserves, the past 2 years had been arguably the most difficult times for Nigerians. This is clearly due to an economic policy that turned catastrophic or at best the absence of informed economic policy to drive development. Over the past two years, the cost of goods and services almost doubled. There was an overwhelming retrenchment of workers by private organizations who could no longer afford the high cost of doing business in the country. With the failure of the Buhari administration, it is clear that the solution of Nigeria's problem is not far from a competent leader like Mathias Tsado whose “Make in Nigeria” economic policy is capable to set Nigeria on the part of development.

Tsado opines that for Nigeria to become a world power, it must pursue a productive economy which shall be predicated upon the innovative and creative capacities of our people, to harness Nigeria's natural resources and transform them into finished products. The strength of Tsado’s “Make in Nigeria" economic policy lies in the sense that it is capable to displace the import based economic system in place in order to redress the economic vulnerability that has made our nation worse off.

This policy is predicated on the need for every goods consumed by Nigerians to be produced in the country. His idea reflects that for Nigeria to develop industrially and tackle the rate of unemployment that has ravaged the nation, there's the need to strategically manoeuvre foreign companies to produce most of the Nigerian consumed goods within the country while encouraging local production and industrial growth.

It is a know fact that the economy is the superstructure of any modern society and with the growth of the economy, other sectors of society develops in line with it. President Buhari should honourably step down for Mathias Tsado in the 2019 elections to give room to youthful ideas projected to drive the development of our nation.

Opinion: Senator Dino Melaye: The Triumphant Voice of the Year - By Dr. Tom Ohikere

With 15 sponsored Bills and 20 sponsored Motions, the commitments and well serving efforts of Senator Dino Melaye in the discharge of his parliamentary responsibilities have not just added allure to the activities of the 8th senate, but he has also proven that, he remains the triumphant voice in the Upper Chamber.
Perhaps the chronicles of events of the 8th senate may have ended as a half coined narrative if the exultant imparts of the Kogi West Senator are ignored and his active efforts are undervalued.
Senator Melaye, a senator representing the good people of Kogi West Senatorial District may have been seen by many people as a controversial senator depending on their prism of judgment, however, a handier look into the armpit of his achievements as a member of the 8th senate, has shown that, Senator Melaye has done well in all ramifications to uphold the reputation of the upper chamber through his paragon inputs.
While it is naturally believed that, Senator Melaye is only representing the people of Kogi West, it is also adducible to say that, the senator has through his all-inclusive efforts placed the entire Kogi state and her good people on a positive global parliamentarian map. The various assassination attacks on him as well as well as the doom bound recall conspiracy notwithstanding as the senator is being seen by people from other senatorial districts within the state as the trumpet of the voiceless.
By simply being fair to posterity, it is good to put on record that, since the return of the 4th Republic in 1999, no single Senator from the Confluence state and many other states in the country has been able to attain these colossal achievements within two years of legislative sojourn.
Meanwhile, in recognition of Senator Melaye’s efforts, the Senate in October applauded Kogi born Senator for his enormous contributions in the sponsorship of numerous bills and motions just half way into the legislative calendar.
Though, legislative activities are not only limited to sponsorship of bills and motions but it is appalling to note that, there are some of Senator Melaye’s fellows that have not been able to sponsor up to two bills but just within two years, he has 15 bills to his credits, a feat that should be praised by non-sentimental individuals.
Senator Melaye, while granting interview to National Assembly TV recently, the Senator enumerated and outlined the various bills he has sponsored so far which include the following:
 . Economic and Financial Crime Commission (Establishment, etc.) Bill 2015 (SB.94)-1ST READING
 . Disability Integration Bill 2015 (SB. 95)
 . Ecclesiastical Court (Establishment, etc.) Bill 2015 (SB.96) - 1ST READING
 . Protection Against Domestic Violence Act (Amendment) Bill 2015 (SB.97)
 . Deep Offshore and Inland Basin Production Sharing Contract Act Cap D3 LFN 2004 (Amendment) Bill 2015 (SB. 98) - 1ST READING
 . Lobbying Disclosure Act (Amendment) Bill 2015 (SB 99) passed 2nd reading to committee on Judiciary.
 . Anti-Jungle Justice Bill 2015 (SB. 109), passed 2nd reading to committee on Judiciary.
 . Price Control and anti-protesting Bill 2015 (SB 110)
 . National Lottery Act 2005 (Amendment) Bill 2016 (SB :227) Passed.
 .Lobbying (Regulations) Bill 2016 (SB. 258) 1ST READING
 . National Orientation Agency Act (Amendment) Bill 2016 (SB. 333)
 . Residency Right for every citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Bill 2016 (AB. 356) 1ST READING
 . Federal University of Agriculture Kabba (Establishment, etc.) Bill 2016 (SB. 402) Passed 2nd reading, to committee on Tertiary Institutions & TETFUND
 . Facial Mutilation Prohibition Bill 2016 (SB. 408) 1ST READING
 . Ethnic and Religious Hatred Bill 2017 (SB. 420).
Senator Melaye in his gargantuan efforts and in recognition of his core responsibilities, also sponsored 20 motions within the time under review which include the following:
 . Matters of Urgent Public Importance: The imminent threat to Nigerian democracy with unfounded and charges instituted against the senate Presiding Officer by the Attorney General of the Federation.
 . Non Payment of Teachers’ salaries across the country
 . unscrupulous violations of Foreign Exchange, (Monitoring and Miscellaneous) Acts.
 .Disturbing Development in the Nigerian Aviation Industry.
 .Matter of Urgent Public Importance: The Unlawful and Wrongful misappropriation and Criminal Withholding of Public Revenues by the NNPC and NPDC from 2013 to the time motion was sponsored, December 13th, 2016.
 . Irregularity in the awards of contracts by the Bureau of Public Procurement .
 .Motion on Ailing Ajaokuta Steel Company, a Threat To Nigerian Industrial Growth.
 . Motion on corruption in the Manitoba Deal
 . Motion on the deplorable state of the following Roads: Kabba-Ilorin Road, Iluke-Aiyetoro, Abugi-Egan Road, Iyara-Omuo Road.
 . Motions on Repatriation of over 2 Trillion Naira from Nigeria by MTN.
 Abuse and Mismanagement of Treasury Single Account Regime.
 . Motion on Dredging of River Niger.
 . Motion on collapse of Road infrastructure in Nigeria
 . Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja, Second Runway Contract
 . Sustainable Development Goals: Take home from Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament 2015.
 . Proposed Policy of Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), to sell and Install Speed Limit Devices on vehicles.
 . Abduction Of Chibok School Girls: Two Years After
 Co-Sponsored with Senator Philip Tanimu Aduda: Continued Implementation Of Federal Capital Territory Statutory Appropriation Act 2016, and for other related matters pursuant to section 122, 299 of the Constitutions of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended.
 . Discrepancy in Subsidy Payment and Non Remittance of Funds by the NNPC to the Federation Accounts.
 Motion on Urgent Completion of OMI DAM. The motion was passed and resolution was sent to the presidency and Honourable Minister of Water Resources.
Besides these great achievements of the people’s Senator, Senator Melaye has also through humanitarian services touched and uplifted the lives of the people of Kogi state, especially the people of Kogi West Senatorial Districts which time and space will not allow me to outline. He has indeed endeared himself to the people of the state across the three Senatorial Districts through his selfless services. You may simply call him Kogi Senator.
In view of the significance of Senator Dino Melaye in the 8th Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and his giant strides in Kogi state, The Broom Platform, a Grade A support Group of the APC National Secretariat, and the media base of the Coalition of the APC support Groups (CASG) will be hosting the Distinguished Senator, his friends and Associates to a BUFFET LAUNCH/DAY OF COMMENDATION by last week of January, 2018 at the Transcorp Hilton, Abuja.
The Epochal event which will be attended by top government functionaries, politicians, media operators and among others will also feature a public lecture, pictorial exhibitions on FIVE MOST OUTSTANDING NIGERIAN POLITICIANS IN 2017 and their certifications.
Dr. Tom Ohikere
(Chairman) Prof. Afolabi Johns

PDP ward to ward group plans for courtesy visit to former President Goodluck Jonathan & other national leaders



*DATE: 2 JANUARY 2019*

Good Day, Hardworking, and Dynamic Coordinators of Ward to Ward  group .

We  wish you all a Happy  New  Year and we welcome you all to this year of Open doors as we work towards repositioning and rebuilding our Party.

This is  a special Announcement  to all  State Coordinators of Ward  to Ward group  in the various states in Nigeria that  we will be paying a courtesy call and a meeting to our highly  respected and amiable  Leaders,Grand Patrons,Grand Matrons, Board of trustees *Chairman*  *His Excellency Senator Jibrin Walid,PDP* *National Chairman,* *His Excellency Uche* *Prince* *Secondus,  His Excellency Senator Ahmed* *Makarafi, His Excellency Dr Good Luck Ebele Jonathan* .

The Sole  aim  of this meeting, is for all State Coordinators to give a progress report and keep our leaders  abreast of our activities and the grassroot penetration thus far.

furthermore,to  inform our Leaders of our New Year blue print  to achieving the desired results in our various regions.

The scheduled Dates and Time of our meeting with the  BOT chairman is:

*His Excellency*


We, look forward to paying  a  courtesy call and arrange   meetings with all other party leaders. As  we  have  made  frantic efforts to  humbly seek  audience  with them all and are  waiting for their responses .
Below are the list of the  leaders we have reached out to for now and hope to reach others soon.

*The PDP National Chairman *His Excellency ,Prince Uche Secondus*
*His Excellency ,Dr  Ebele GoodLuck, Jonathan*
*His Excellency ,Dr Senator  Ahmed Makarafi,*
*Our Grand patrons/matrons*
*Patrons /Matrons.*

As soon as we  are able to schedule  a meeting with them  we shall inform this  honourable house

Please  we should heighten  our preparedness once  we sucessfully fix and schedule a  favourable Date,Time , and Venue for the meetings  we will relate to us all in due Time.

*Please Note:* All  State Coordinators,  interested members ,and individuals who want to a  part of this courtesy vist  and formal meeting should please indicate interest by contacting these numbers below

*Tel: +2348037943993*


*National Coordinator*
*Ward to Ward  Group*
  *Ada Fredrick*

Award of honour & excellence: Amb. John Pofi bags outstanding humanitarian icon (photos)

The founder and CEO of John Pofi Foundation Rev. John Pofi has bagged a distinguished award of honour as an outstanding humanitarian icon. He made it known through his official facebook page in the words below.

"Wow what a big honour and privilege to begin the year with an Outstanding Humanitarian Icon of the year 2017 by S & M Life Watch Initiative International Baba God I thank you!"