Friday 29 December 2017

2019: Jos born and bred politician and APC chieftain declares to contest for president

A Delta-based lawyer and member of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Alhaji A. A. Mumakai-Unaga, has written to the national chairman of the APC, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun of his intention to take over President Muhammadu Buhari’s position come 2019.
He made this known in a letter titled: “INTENTION TO CONTEST THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA UNDER OUR GREAT PARTY (APC) IN THE 2019 GENERAL ELECTION” signed and addressed to the office of Chief Oyegun in Abuja, a copy of which was made available to Journalists.
Alhaji Mumakai-Unaga, in the letter, said his mission was to add value to the Buhari-led change agenda, revive the economy and oil and aviation sectors.
“I write to inform you of my strong desire to contest the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria under our great party All Progressive Congress (APC) in the 2019 general election.
“I want to contest the election so as to add value to the change agenda of our party, revive the down trodden economy of the nation which Mr President is vigorously pursuing.
“Your Excellency, given the needed support and encouragement, there is no doubt in my mind, Nigeria will be great again. I shall first start from where His Excellency President Buhari will stop in 2019.
“As a legal practitioner with vast experience in governance, I shall nurture the political economy of the nation to an enviable condition that will be jealous by the international community.
“Similarly, I shall re-organise the Oil, Aviation, Transport sectors and other Federal establishment, especially the educational sector to meet world standard,” the former Baba Adeen of Muslim in Delta State, enthused. On corruption, Alhaji Mumakai-Unaga, the administrative secretary of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) in 1980, added that “I shall design a new strategy on the war against corruption with optional achievement.”
He also assured Nigerians of paying greater attention to the security challenges ravaging the North as well as the kidnapping menace and militancy in the Niger Delta.
Alhaji Mumakai-Unaga, a native of Evwreni in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State, grew up in Jos, Plateau State and he is the current head of the A.A. Mumakai-Unagha & Co, a law firm.
Credit: Nigerian Tribune

Opinion: The Role of Youths in the Security of Communities - By Datong Dominic Gwaman

Youth are the most active of the population and are the most affected by insecurity. They are also, unfortunately, the
tools used to breakdown physical security. Although most responsibility for security lies in the Government, the Youths are an important partner in the provision of security.
In order to assist Government despite its failures, Youths must:
• Be patriotic by protecting the society which they belong to
• Monitor the conduct of security officers by documenting and reporting to the appropriate quarters, mis-conducts by security agents and agencies
• Report owners and local producers of small arms to the appropriate quarters
• Engage in profitable ventures including schooling, farming, building of technical skills
• Restrain from being used by those that profit from communal insecurity and report them accordingly
• Desist from drug abuse, make efforts to reform those affected but report those who insist to the authorities
• Form security groups that will brainstorm routinely on security situations and gather information for onward forwarding to security agents
• Upholding and improving non-arm carrying security personnel (Vigilanté)
• Imbibe peace building initiatives to pacify aggrieved youths
Challenges of Curbing Security
• Lack of communal trust in the physical security system especially the personnel who indulge in bribery and therefore corruption of their responsibilities
• Prevalence of unemployed youths, a good breeding ground for armed robbery and other societal vices
• Lack of Good Governance resulting in increase in people aggrieved with the society and willing to participate in violence and crime.
• Do-it-at-all-cost politicking making crime a source of income to youths.
Datong Dominic Gwaman
Conflict. Security and Development Expert

Who is afraid of 2019? - By Dakwom Makpring Longgul

Story telling is as old as the existence of humanity, while humans live by stories to understand their economic, political and social environment; stories have been also used by generations to understand history, philosophy and geography of the people, thinking about stories today and how it pass quick message I preface my thinking   on three dramatic texts which I stumble upon many times. The plays are: The Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol, Who is Afraid of Solarin? By Femi Osofisan and  Mr Chairman Sir by Paul Ugbede. In a way all seem to be adaptation with different perspectives.
            Nikolai Gogol’s The Government Inspector  present the corrupt officials of a small Russian town, headed by the Mayor, react with terror to the news that an incognito inspector  will soon be arriving in their town to investigate them. The flurry of activity to cover up their considerable misdeeds is interrupted by the report that a suspicious person has arrived two weeks previously from Saint Petersburg and is staying at the inn. In connection to Osofisan, The play is an adaptation of Nikolai Gogol's The Government Inspector (1836). Osofisan finds a similarity between the social and political situation in Nigeria and the Imperial Russia at the time when Gogol wrote his play. At that time, the aristocrats were totally in control of government and many of the officials saw their positions as opportunities for looting the government treasury.
            In the local government presented in the play by Osofisan , virtually all the government officials and their operatives are corrupt and fraudulent without any exemption right from the Chairman of the Local Government Council, Chief Gbonmiayelobiojo, even to the professional beggars on the streets like Lamidi and Lemomu. That is why all of them are apprehensive of the impending official visit of Solarin. Consequently, the Chairman summons a meeting of the Council to decide how they can prevent the coming of Solarin which will spell doom for them but as the play progresses; the Chairman is deceived by his security operatives who pretend to be beggars that Solarin has arrived in the town. In actual sense, the stranger is not Solarin but one Ishola Oriebora, a Lagos rogue who runs from his landlord on account of his debts and the attempt to probe him. On his way, he is attacked by robbers. He eventually finds succor and comfort in the vicarage in the town. As soon as he realizes that he is being mistaken for Solarin, he quickly assumes the role of Solarin, the Public Complaints Commissioner. The play can then be seen from this moment as a drama of mistaken identity.
            By implication, the case of Nigeria and Nigerians is an offshoot of the fictional reality presented in the plays, every political party seeks power come 2019, the masses are confuse once again but for sure they must take decision that will affect their life and living again. Hence, it’s the same conclusion; “for all have sin and fallen short” in comparison to government per political party of cause all will  identified PDP as power to the people and APC as Change! But beyond that what has change in the condition of the poor and the society?  Who gave them Power? And to do what with such powers? In fact the people have been the source of their problems hence, the Change is to Change Elites kleptomaniacs and Power is to the Rulers. But, is there hope for 2019 and who is afraid of 2019?
            In my view the stranger mistaken as solarin who is a professional political rogue running from his landlord on account of his debts and the attempt to probe him is the one I fear come 2019. But you don’t care abi?

Sunday 24 December 2017

Alhaji Abdullahi Adamu Dan China declares to contest for president under Kowa Party

A mining expert and Bauchi State gubernatorial aspirant on the platform of Congress for Progressive Change, CPC in 2011, Alhaji Abdullahi Adamu Dan China has declared his intention to run in the 2019 presidential race on the platform of Kowa Party.
Speaking to newsmen in Jos Alhaji Abdullahi said the problem of this country was industrialization, lamenting that since the past 35 years there was no single attempt by previous administration to industrialize the country.
“If elected to became the president of this country, I will revive the country using mining and agricultural sector within six months. Eighty per cent of Nigerian youths are jobless. With arable land and abundant mineral deposits in virtually all the states in Nigeria we can not be depending on oil,” he said.
According to him, the  reason why he wants to contest for the seat is to put round pegs in round holes in the country’s administration system in order to give the people hope and an environment to fulfill their dreams.
In his words “Nigerians are actually suffering and the youths of the country have no hope because, they are not gainfully employed.”
Adamu also emphasized that the Buhari administration is yet to fulfill its campaign promises to Nigerians because he has appointed so many apprentices in his administration.
He said, “How do you want a government to succeed when an appointee, who read and only has experience in law is given the responsibility to manage and develop the transport sector? Look around the president and you would see that he is not putting square pegs in a square hole and so placed his ministers in wrong portfolios.”
On what he intends to bring on board to better the living standards of Nigerians, the presidential hopeful said “As a farmer and a miner, I will diversify the country’s economy, using mining and agriculture in other to provide employment for Nigerians. As an individual I have and I am still providing employment to over 50,000 people and I am sure that mining alone will provide employment for over 80 per cent of Nigerians that are currently jobless across the country.”

Credit: Leadership Newspaper 

over 500 women and youths in Adamawa empowered by Aisha Buhari

The Wife of the President, Mrs Aisha Buhari, on Saturday distributed empowerment materials to over 500 women and youths in the three senatorial districts of Adamawa.
Presenting the materials at the Presidential Lodge, Yola, Buhari said the gesture was part of her desire to support women and youths in Nigeria to be economically self-reliant.
The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the materials include tricycles, fish farming tank, spaghetti making machine, grinding machine as well as sewing machine.
The wife of the president also donated undisclosed amount of money to tea and spice meat vendors to boost their businesses.
Buhari, who presented certificates to 20 graduants who acquired fish farming skills, said the gesture was aimed at empowering the less privileged Nigerians.
She urged the beneficiaries to make good use of the items, to enable them to empower other less privileged individuals.
In her welcome address, the wife of the Adamawa State Governor, Mrs Maryam Bindow, expressed gratitude to the wife of the president for identifying with people of Adamawa.
According to her, the gesture symbolises how beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it.
” Let me call on all beneficiaries to reciprocate it by being honest participants in the project of nation building in peace and unity,” she said.
In her goodwill message, the former Deputy Governor of Plateau, Mrs Pauline Tallen, urged beneficiaries to support the efforts of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration to tackle unemployment in the country.
Also, the wife of Nasarawa State Governor, Mrs Mairo Al-Makura, called on wealthy individuals in Nigeria to support the less privileged.
Al-Makura called on the beneficiaries to pray for the success of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.
Some of the beneficiaries, who spoke to News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), expressed gratitude to the wife of the president for donating the items.
A beneficiary who received tricycle, Mr Ibrahim Mijinyawa, prayed that God would reward the wife of the President for the kind gesture.
Mijinyawa also prayed for Nigeria to have more kindhearted individuals such as Aisha Buhari.
Another beneficiary, Mrs Zainab Dan-Jika, said the item would directly better her life.
“My life and those that benefited with us will be greatly improved.
Dan-Jika expressed the hope that the gesture would assist in boosting the economic status of the beneficiaries. (NAN).

Opinion: The Shenanigans Of Yahaya Bello Must End In 2017 - By Sen. Dino Melaye

The hypocrisy of the Yahaya Bello-led government in Kogi is appalling. Few weeks ago when I spearheaded the donation of relief materials particularly rice to the needy civil servants in the state as a result of being owed several months of salaries, Bello unleashed his boys to discredit my humanitarian gesture by insinuating that I have turned my state - Kogi state - to an IDPs camp.
A state government that need publicity and image laundering will definitely celebrate sharing of rice to less than 2% of her people. Apart from Kogi State, please which other state will a Public Officer celebrate rice sharing as a major achievement?
Meanwhile, the year 2017 has come to an end, how many projects were commissioned across the state in the outgoing fiscal year?
When will President Buhari, whose name is always dropped in Kogi State than any other political officeholder, come to Kogi to commission projects executed by Yahaya Bello?
Anyway, the days of his shenanigans in the Confluence State are numbered and it is just a matter of time when glorious light will appear at the end of the tunnel and illuminate the lives of my fellow Kogites.
For the records, other governors share 50kg bags of rice in hundreds of thousands but do it quietly. Yahaya Bello should put up his thinking cap and repent. Deception destroys! Only truth can set us free.


Governor cancels Christmas homage, calls for prayers and reflections on the virtues of christianity

Gov. Bindow of Adamawa has ‎cancelled the traditional Christmas homage to the Government House by traditional rulers and associations and directed them to use the opportunity to pray for the state.
The governor’s directive was contained in a statement Sunday signed by the State Commissioner of Information and Strategy, Mr Ahmad Sajoh.
The statement which conveyed the governor’s felicitation with the people of the state as they prepare to celebrate Christmas urged them to reflect on the message and spirit of the season which comprised love, peace and blessings from God.
“In keeping with the Governor’s desire to ease the difficulties associated with mass movement during the Yuletide period and in consideration of the security challenges experienced recently in some parts of the state, His Excellency has called-off the usual Christmas homages paid on the governor by traditional rulers, top public officers, organized groups and other stakeholders.
“Instead, all stakeholders are requested to use the occasion to fervently pray for the state and exchange fraternal visits across all divides as a means of strengthening our bond of brotherhood,” the statement read.
The governor also urged the people of Adamawa to be more security conscious and vigilant during the festive period.
“In view of the security situation in the state and country, the governor calls on the people to continue to be vigilant and security conscious particularly as we gather to rejoice with each other.
“Citizens of Adamawa are equally enjoined to maintain vigilance on the roads and within our communities.”
The governor cancelled similar visit during the Muslim Eid El Kabir celebration.

Plateau Central zone 2019: Former speaker Rt. Hon. Emma Goar oils campaign machineries for senate

Satmak Dapar's news blog can reliably confirm that  former speaker Plateau state House of Assembly and Former member House of Representatives Pankshin/Kanke/Kanam (2011 to 2015) Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Goar is set to throw his hat in the ring for senate Plateau central senatorial zone 2019. Satmak reports that underground meetings and consultations have since begun. Albeit, the pankshin born politician has not come out to officially make any pronouncements but souvenirs, T-shirts, online campaigns, and other preparations are on top gear for the official pronouncement. It will be recalled that in 2015, he contested for the same seat but couldn't clinch the ticket. Incumbent Senator Joshua Dariye became the flag-bearer but later decamped to the ruling APC for reasons best known to him. From reliable sources, Satmak has gathered that Hon. Goar is not resting on his oars to make his senatorial ambition a reality. After 2015, he ventured fully into Gas Business and leadership mentoring. Hon. Goar will slug it out with the likes of former speaker Rt. Hon. Istifanus Mwansat, former Immigration Boss Mr. David Paradang, former chairman Kanke LGA chief John Maikudi, and few others for PDP's ticket. More updates to come sooner or later.

2019: Support group for President Buhari springs up on the Plateau: Full list of coordinators

As the 2019 presidential race continues to gather momentum, more campaign groups for different presidential candidates have continued to spring up. One of the latest on the scene is the "Buhari Support Movement" This news medium gathered reliably that the group has the mandate of mobilizing support for the re-election of President Buhari. The message from the coordinator reads thus:
"This is to announce to the house that the under listed were nominated, endorsed and appointed to serve as Ag.  Coordinating Team for BVM, PLATEAU STATE CHAPTER.
However, the primary objective of BVM is to mobilise and aware Nigerians particularly we here; people of Plateau state towards support for continuation of President Buhari in office till 2023 for the betterment of Nigeria, therefore, I employ all members to be mobilisers even as we a wait the tentative blueprint of BVM that accommodate us all.

State Executive
1. Ag. State Coordinator
    Agun Suleh Atul

2. Ag.  Asst. State           Coordinator
Clement Nimyel                  08032921555

3. Ag. State Secretary: Mangut Edi Mashingil 08038181818

4. Ag. State Women Mobilizer:
Beatrice Bala Maiyaki
0803 450 6312

5. Ag. State Publicity Secretary:
Samuel Awasak 08033592483

7. Ag. State Mobilizing Secretary
Lukman Buhari

8. Ag. Chief Whip
Ezra Danus

9. Ag. State Asst. Secretary
Adamu M. Saleh 08025529634

Local Government Coordinators

1. Barkin Ladi
Rwang Chuwang Rwang

2. Bassa
Daniel Anto

3. Bokkos
Daniel Maju

4. Jos East
Ayuba Ezekial
0803 075 0823

5. Jos North
Abdullahi H. Mohammed

6. Jos South
Not yet

7. Langtang North
Ponchwat Sheisul

8. Langtang South
Ponfa Rindap

9. Kanam
Bashir Kanam

10. Kanke
Kamji Bagas Dawaki

11. Mangu
Shuaibu Mangu

12. Mikang
Tatman David

13. Pankshin
Sylva Retting Dakun

14. Quanpan
Not yet

15. Riyom
Not yet

16. Shendam
Dr. Kwatmen Mathias Nicholas

17. Wase
Abdullahi Maikano

In few days we shall come up with the remaining LGAs.

Thanks and have a blessed day.


BVM Plateau State Chapter"