Saturday 6 January 2018

Rundown of people-oriented projects & economic empowerment programmes by Hon. Dachung Bagos

 It is true that true and genuine success of a person is measured by the number of persons he/she is able to impact positively.

The biggest and most profiting investments are those done on human beings.

Value addition to human beings and the society should be paramount and the target of every human being.

In all we do in life, our focus should be to impact and influence lives positively and not live the lives to impress other.

It is with the aforementioned that Mr. Dachung Musa Bagos has been shining the light, empowering the less privileged and carrying out people-oriented programmes to bring succor to the people with the aim of equipping the next generation to get them ready to take leadership positions in different professions a in order to make them useful to themselves, families and to the society.

To Mr. Dachung Musa Bagos, seeing people fulfilled, happy and empowered to fulfill their destinies in life is his target.

He has lived most of his life touching lives, giving hope to the hopeless and being voice to the violence.

He once said "why should I be happy and fulfilled when there are millions out there who don't have food to eat, clothes to wear, water to drink, work to do and shelter"
"I want my life to be that of positive impacts and influence to humanity and the society"
"I want to shine the light and make the society bright as well as invest well in people and equip them for future tasks"

Dachung Bagos is a Human Rights Activist, a great philanthropist, a good governance crusader, a public affairs analyst, a fighter of corruption and a source of inspiration to many.

Below are some of his empowerment, people-oriented projects and programmes:

1. Commissioning of the Musa Bagos Free Malaria Testing and Treatment Centre, Vom (April 27th, 2012)

2. Hosting of the World Malaria Day, April 27th, 2012 at Vom with over 500 people tested and treated for malaria.

3. Hosting of the World Malaria Day, May 5th, 2013 at Gyel with over one thousand people tested and treated for malaria.

4. Free Malaria Testing and Treatment Outreach at Government Science School, Kuru (June, 2012).

5. Free Malaria Testing and Treatment Outreach, Kogom Community, Vwang (Feb, 2013)

6. Free Malaria Testing and Treatment Outreach at Vwang, Jos South. 2012.

7.  Free Dental Treatment Outreach at Vwang, Jos South. 2012.

8. Distribution of over 1,500 treated mosquito nets from April 2012 till date.

9. Provision of branded T-Shirts to the National; Blood Transfusion Services, Jos Centre.


10. Free online registration, payment for forms and transportation for over Thirty (30) candidates for the Nigerian Navy Recruitment Exercise, 2012.

11. Sponsoring the reorganization and take off of the Vwang united football team and equipping them with training kits, jerseys, balls, etc.

12. Free online registration, payments for forms and mobilisation for interested candidates into Nigerian Air Force Recruitment exercise 2013.


13. Grading of the road to the Dagwom Rwei of Vwang’s palace (2012).

14. Grading of Vwang Community Football pitch (2013).

15. Distribution of household items to victims of attack at Kogom Community, Vwang and offsetting the hospital bills of the other surviving but injured victims.

16. Supporting the vigilante group of Vwang District with whistles and torch lights to aid their work especially with the threats of attack on the community.

17. Donation of mattresses, children food items, cash and clothing to a family of triplets at Turu.

18. Re-roofing of Government Secondary School, Gyel.


19. Sinking of borehole at Vwang, Jos South LGA. (2012).

20. Sinking of borehole at Ji-Yep, Jos (2012)

21. Provision  of batteries and gasoline to resuscitate a mechanized borehole at Vwang (2012)

22. Provision of electric cables and poles needed for the electrification ofsome communities at Vwang, Jos South LGA (2012)


23. Mobilisation of teachers and pupils of schools within Vwang Community to resumes classes for pupils who have been at home for over seven (7) months following the strike action embarked upon by teachers and workers of local government in Plateau State.

24. Provision of biscuits as meal breaks to pupils in primary schools in Vwang during the mobilisation exercise of teachers.

25. Offering of scholarship to surviving member of the attacked family at Kogom, Vom.

26. Distribution of over twenty thousand (20,000.00) free exercise books to schools at Vom, Hwolshe and Gyel Communities.

27. Provision of chalks to all primary schools at Vwang.


28. Valentine’s Day dinner and distribution of household items to widows within Hwolshe Community, Jos (Feb 14th, 2012).

29. Valentine’s Day dinner and distribution of household items to widows within Hwolshe Community, Jos (Feb 14th, 2013)

30. Valentine’s Day dinner and distribution of household items to widows within Hwolshe Community, Jos (Feb 14th, 2014)

31. Distribution of over 200 bags of rice to widows and teachers during Christmas (Dec, 2012)

1. One year Scholarship for students over 300 from The government secondary schools across Local Government Areas respectively.

2. A total number of 25,000 exercise books have also been distributed to the public primary school secondary schools.

3. A total number of 500 school uniforms have been sawn and distributed to primary school pupils.

4. 200 Cartons of chalk have been given to bought secondary and primary schools.

5. 100 cartons of Biro's have been distributed to secondary schools.

6. 700 cartons of pencils have also been given to primary schools.

7. 500 cartons of erasers was also distributed.

8. 15 footballs have been given to secondary and primary schools also.

9. We've donated 25 classrooms desks to Become community secondary school Turu.

1. 1,700 treated mosquito nets have been distributed to communities and IDP camps.

2. Over 4000 people have been tested and treated from malaria parasites across 3 local governments respectively.

5. Three free dental outreaches were held Vwang and Gyel community. 2340 Free tooth brush and pastes were issued during these exercises.

30 Baban Riga for 30 ward heads in Vwang district


N100,000 ( one hundred thousand women micro credit scheme
N100 000 (One Thousand Naira) for  Vwang for women empowerment
N500, 000 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) for Jos south women empowerment.

1. Restoration of light at chugwi
Many more.

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