Wednesday 16 February 2022

Isaac Kwallu: Still, he rises, heroically, he Triumphs and courageously, he accomplishes

If I adopt the elementary and conventional means of writing a personality feature about Hon. ISAAC KWALLU an erstwhile chairman of Qua’anpan Local Government and one of the refined political leaders of Plateau State, I would probably find myself writing an encyclopedia. A lot has been written and told about him over the years. The influence and clout embedded in his name resonates and reverberates all across the political and social firmaments of Plateau State.

Literally and thankfully, the name keeps echoing for the right and just cause, not the other way round. A pragmatic, visionary and resourceful leader you can say. Firstly, this article aspires to accomplish two things. It is written to diagnose why resourceful leaders are a scarce commodity and secondly of course to make the most strongest and eloquent case for ISAAC KWALLU whom I know and I can vouch for based on his antecedents, resourcefulness and eloquence of his vision.

In this world and wide, there comes a time when the people have got to carefully diagnose their collective situation and examine their collective conscience by fundamentally raising rhetorical questions: How did we get here? Who has our interest at heart and who can guarantee us the enabling atmosphere to rise and achieve optimum, maximum success? Those leaders are very rare because of certain perceived interests. Plateau state is in dire need of leaders with big ideas, bold vision and courageous spirit to fill the gap raise the bar. Make no mistake. If 5 people are counted, ISAAC KWALLU falls within that category.

What gives me the greatest joy about KWALLU is the fact that he is a strategic seed sower. He looks at the soil, toils it and sow seeds. More than anything else, he waters the seed, takes care of them and help facilitate their germination. What do I mean by the parable? In explicit terms, he mentors the younger ones and help them to grow and accomplish great things in life. One of the reasons for the political growth and development of former Lagos State Governor Bola Tinubu is the consistency in terms of raising political leaders and a critical investment in their future. That’s the power of building a strong and stable tomorrow for people. Realistically, that’s the model, style and strategy of ISAAC KWALLU. Apparently loved and admired by an overwhelming majority of youths within the state, me inclusive, during one of his recent visits to Qua’anpan Local Government in the spirit of networking for 2023, the crowd that came out to identify with the people’s servant and visionary leader was, oh my goodness! Intensely massive. Watching it on phone almost broke my screen (Laughter)… That’s the power of influence. A true definition of a leader is influence. KWALLU influences lives positively. He directs and rejigs the course of history for the betterment of humanity. His humility is terrific, ideas inspiring, vision well-articulated, principles uncompromising, strategy carefully crafted and political leadership resourceful. Still, he rises, heroically, he Triumphs and courageously, he accomplishes his missions, goals, plans and dreams in ways that inspire me and countless others to take action and begin to make sense of their future. A businessman, investment mogul and workaholic man, KWALLU success stories and rise to stardom can best be attributed to his dint of hardwork, commitment, optimism, courage and meticulous application of wisdom, strategy, attention and plan to achieve win-win outcomes. In his personal capacity, he has empowered and touched lives on a massive scale. While holding sway as Executive Chairman of Qua’anpan Local Government, he satisfactorily and practically implemented his policies, programmes and action plans in the best interest of his people before his mandate was thwarted, unfortunately, through acts of illegality and injustice. Thankfully, the court of competent jurisdiction later countered the illegality and injustice while restoring his mandate. Permit me at this juncture to take you through a journey of some of his accomplishments in office.

·         Ensuring a secure, peaceful and socially cohesive Qua’anpan LGA.

·         Creating opportunities, stimulating inclusive growth and entrenching sustainable shared prosperity.

·         Providing good, innovative, transparent and participatory governance.

·         Reinvigorated the work force through settlement of backlog of various entitlements and prompt payment of salaries and allowances, the result of which is a highly motivated and more productive workforce.

·         Sponsored 27 Executive bye laws.

·         Re-electrification of Shendam-Kurgwi-Kwalla-Doemak-Baap 33KV low tension line and provision of three (3) substations.

·         Award of Scholarships to 615 Students of Qua'an-Pan in various tertiary institutions (PhD 19, MSc 60, Degree, Diploma, NCE, etc 536).

·         Organized the peace and unity Chairman’s football tournament after 22yrs;

·         Supported the successful hosting of the maiden edition of Koes (Traditional Wrestling) tournament 2018 and 2019.

·         Free treatment of over 800 citizens through medical outreach in Kwa and Namu in partnership with Shendam/Quaan Pan/Mikang nursing students Association and Quaan Pan Development Initiative respectively.

·         Procured and installed Modern Ultra- Sound Machine and ultra-modern X-ray Machine at Cottage Hospital, Kwalla.

.     19 years contractual liabilities owed contractors by the previous administrations at the Local Government all cleared.

.     The only Local Government in the 774 Local Governments in Nigeria that established an ICT innovation hub under Kwallu.

.    All backlog of workers salaries and allowances also cleared.

.    Recruited about 173 local vigilante members and hunters for the purpose of providing and securing the lives and properties of the people of Qua’anpan from armed robbers and kidnappers

.   Organized countless leadership, entrepreneurship and capacity building programs for local community dwellers and distribute starter packs.

.    Established anti-snake treatment centre where neighboring local governments and states like Nassarawa, Taraba and bauchi benefited from immensely.

The above are literally the few among the many achievements of KWALLU. He has paid his dues, wrote his name with gold in the sands of history and marches relentlessly towards a future full of optimism, hope, prosperity and potentials. He believes in investing in the future and carrying other people along so as to succeed in togetherness. He helps in paving the way for young minds to realize their bearings, re-channel their energies, hopes and aspirations towards worthy and productive ventures.


 As the 2023 political year beckons, it is no longer news that HON. ISAAC KWALLU has thrown his hat in the ring to run for the position of House of Representatives (Shendam, Mikang, Qua’anpan) Federal Constituency under the Platform of the PDP. He needs your support. He needs our support. He’s got my support. I admire his leadership style. He’s coming with a bigger, higher, taller and inspiring agenda primarily to do what needs to be done in order to move the constituency forward through robust and resourceful leadership. Trust him with your mandate. The end would ultimately justify the means. Go Isaac Kwallu, go!

Written by Hon. Isaac Kwallu Media and Strategic Engagement Team

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