Thursday 1 July 2021

Feature: Dr. Patrick Dakum: The Guiding Light and Hope of Our Generation

Very many people may ask who Dr. Patrick Dakum is. He's literally not a new person in Plateau State and Nigeria. Over the years, he has created a niche for himself in the world of leadership and politics. He's a household name and someone many look up to for guidance, mentorship and impact. 

A man of exceptional qualities and attributes. 
Every rain that drops, a flower grows. Every candle that glows in the night, darkness gets dispelled.  In other words, every vision birthed by great men and women in history goes a long way in building an assurance of a tomorrow replete and abounding in grace, hope and endless possibilities. 

Each and every day, we meet new and old people, friends, families and perhaps enemies. At the meeting point, lessons – good or bad are learned. Somehow, you can easily deduce at the meeting point the reflective reality about their lives, ambitions, beliefs, viewpoints and philosophies. Words and actions speak loud for the most part – louder than an electric guitar and their impacts are heavier than a heavy metal. 

On the one hand, it’s ok to think about the things you would like to accomplish now and tomorrow. Every person who has ever achieved true greatness thought about it in fascinating and strategic ways. On the other hand, taking a corresponding action on your dream and beautiful thoughts always result in a win-win opportunity. The true measure of greatness that doesn’t get exhausted is a marriage between your dreams and action. That’s the deal. Let’s go further. 

Meeting Patrick Dakum has taught us lessons metaphorically and literally. Countless others too can attest to the fact that his life is like an epistle, known and read by many. I otherwise couldn’t have learned those lessons if we hadn’t met him. Literally and thankfully, we are proud to meet him. It is just fascinating, you know! 

Making the most or otherwise of lessons learned when opportunities abound is up to you. This is an ultimate reflection of choices and decisions. My choice is deeply rooted and anchored on the endless possibilities of a strong, determined, well-lit, visionary and goal-inspired tomorrow, very much in the spirit of what Dr. Dakum believes in. 

Not all visions are implemented wholly and exclusively. Some rise and fall. In the course of time, some become thorns in the flesh of reality and the wheel of progress. Some, on the other hand are well positioned for productivity. Dr. Dakum's vision is crystal clear. He envisioned a society where youths can come together under the umbrella of collaboration to make sense of the future of Plateau. It’s fair to say, albeit, in subtle ways, the vision is coming to pass. He envisioned a society where the youths are not left out in the pursuit of education and where women are economically empowered to become productive members of the world economy. It is a blessing to know that the vision is on its way to the realm of accomplishment. He envisioned the Plateau of our dream where lives and properties are secured through active and robust security measures and a deep concern for the fragility and susceptibility of the security system. Thankfully, the vision will come to pass. He’s determined to make it happen. He envisioned a robust business environment where investors domestically and internationally can make their businesses thrive and blossom without much pitfalls and downsides. He equally envisioned a never-dwindling and depleting health system where all people including those living in disadvantaged and vulnerable communities can have access to and meet their primary health needs and other emergencies. These and many more are some of the most historic and promising visions clearly spelt out and articulated by Dr Dakum to be achieved as the future beckons. Interesting! Isn’t it? It was an awe-inspiring moment hearing him speak during a recent media chat. 
Plateau needs men and women of vision. In the same token, Nigeria and Africa needs the vision as a matter of urgency. We need to improve, advance, upgrade and move forward as a people. Truly, the future beckons. The best for Plateau is yet to come. It will come surely and fast. The future holds enormous potentials. In my evaluation, Dr Dakum has the courage and capacity to unlock those potentials in the best interest of all. Test and see the beauty of his dreams and visions. Test and see the awesomeness of his blueprint for a better Plateau. Test and see how his people-centred approach to leadership will make an impact. 
Gentle and calm, but very bold in determining a win-win outcome for every opportunity that abounds. Humble, yet, amazingly intelligent. He’s got brilliant ideas and initiatives that can make you go off your comfort zone and spur you to take action on your dreams and purpose. Oh my goodness! That’s Dr. Dakum for you. See you on the spot of success.

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