Thursday 13 June 2019

2023: Heralding the Plateau story vis-à-vis new political developments – By Satmak Dapar

Prior to this political dispensation, I’ve never been this meticulous in terms of assessing and partially participating in the politics that characterized the tail end of 2018 and essentially, the early part of 2019. Obviously, the elections have come and gone like nothing has happened. There seems to be a sort of quietude in the political atmosphere. Albeit, some few cases in the tribunals and court of law are still lingering. Many politicians across different parties that went to tribunal have tall dreams of retrieving their mandates while those issued certificates of return and sworn-in are not resting on their oars to have their mandates defended by lawyers. Yet, others have since congratulated the victors in the spirit of sportsmanship and moved on to accomplish other plans of action and personal commitments. In my previous article, I outlined that the politics of 2019 will perhaps be a litmus test for that, which, is to come in 2023. I equally mentioned that, for example, some key political figures eyeing the number one seat of power in plateau state are beginning to strategize in subtle ways to succeed the incumbent and have their political efforts to be counted. Politics on the Plateau has always come with surprises and shocker. New developments always spring up to counter the old order and narrative. New candidates and parties emerge with structures to achieve a win-win game, but at the end of the day, some scale through and others get disappointed. The heavy monetization of politics, betrayal, bitter rivalry, uncontrolled outpour of violent vituperations are among others, factors that bring us to a point of reflection. The politics saturating the Plateau space has been dicey over the years. Our people are becoming increasingly sophisticated and well enlightened to make informed choices in respect to who gets what position. In 2015, the handwriting was visible that Sen. GNS Pwajok of blessed memory, an erudite political figure was going to coast to victory by virtue of the prevailing situation around – incumbency factor, unmatched financial capacity and the choice of running mate who carries the household name of “Gomwalk.” On the contrary, people chose Gov. Lalong of the APC on the basis of respect for zoning arrangement. At some quarters, it was believed that the coming of GNS would mean an extension of Gov. Jang’s government, then came the widespread revolt through the ballot. That alone was shocking to the PDP on the one hand and historic to the APC on the other hand. In 2019, the incumbent Gov. Lalong contested against Sen. J.T Useni of the PDP and won again. Whether or not the incumbent was re-elected on the basis of performance is left to be analysed and judged in the court of public opinion. However, after gauging the feeling and disposition of majority, I realized that many people especially in the Central zone where opposed to Sen. JT Useni because they want power to come back to the Central zone in 2023. The popular belief was that, JT Useni may not relinquish the seat if he gets it after serving for 1 term. This is one of the major reasons among other troubles that had rocked his candidacy. Although he went to the tribunal and all fingers are crossed to see what happens.


2023 is not too far from now. It will come surely and fast like a twinkle of an eye. There is a lot going on already from an undercover point of view. The politics will be interesting to say the least. Bigwigs are rising to show their faces. Old and new names are taking centre-stage of media discourse nowadays. Strategies and structures are explored and entrenched across frontiers. Consultations are on top gear and building close relationship with the incumbent Governor for his possible anointing is on course. I am carefully following the unfolding developments and when the chips are down, people will know where to pitch their tent. Realistically, based on the zoning arrangement, the Central zone is prepared to take over and not miss chances. In the light of this reality, strong forces like Hon. Jiritmwa Morgak, Chief Alfred Dapal, Dr. Patrick Dakum, Hon. Letep Dabang, Dr. Sipak Shaseet, Dr. Nentawe Yilwadta, Hon. Istifanus Mwansat, Hon. Timothy Golu, Hon. Solomon Maren, Hon. Sam Damla, Hon. Panshak Yohanna, Dr. James Dalok, Prof. Soni Tyoden, Hon. Jonathan Aminu, Nde Gotring, Nde Victor Dimka, Arch. Hart Bankat, Rev. John Pofi, Hon. Chikas Comfort Kumle and former DIG Habila Joshak among many others are being advised and pressured to run for the plum seat because of their accomplishments in some ways. When the battle gets tough, there will be meetings and agreements for alignments and collapsing of structures to support adopted candidates. Quite importantly, apart from the permutations for the governorship seat itself, the choice of running mate will play central role in all the political calculations. Obviously in the same spirit of zoning, running mate will emerge from Plateau North and strictly writing, it has to be a strong force to gather momentum for the campaign of flagbearers from Central zone. Time shall tell.


The vision to transform Plateau state has come to stay. Successive governments have done their best. There is still hope that Plateau state can be taken to a position of pre-eminence. Government is about continuity. What matters most is allowing the popular will of the people to prevail in 2023. Whoever will succeed Gov. Lalong must realise that leadership is no easy but with strong will and the right spirit, the best is still possible. In the meant time, I congratulate Gov. Lalong on his re-election and his inauguration. I wish him the best.

Satmak Dapar writes from Abuja, Nigeria.
He can be reached via 08030546215 or

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Quite insightful