Tuesday 15 May 2018

Opinion: Our wounds are still fresh: Please end this conflict - by Evans Binan


I am making this narrative from a true life experience and also being a witness.  Life present itself in different forms and people live with the various outcomes at different stages of their being. We either accept to live with what is here with us today or we work to change future outcomes.
I will be using a case study of the recent Maiduguri ‘’confusion’’ which I am much aware of.
Recently, like 4 weeks ago (19th April, 2018), something happened in Maiduguri. The run for safety in the face of insurgency manifested itself in my dear presence. My friend and I just got back from work when this happened; sporadic sounds of gunshots, and people running away from their homes to an unknown location all in the name of safety. At this point, the concepts of ‘’danger’’ and ‘’safety’’ defined the mindset of these fellows all moving out for safety. This implies that cognitively, the brain is faced with a great puzzle; psycho-physiologically, the brain and other complex organisms were activated for a flight or fight reaction. Also of note, is the understanding that the scar of recurrent unrest in the North East region has not moved to the unconscious mind, hence, the subconscious mind stores this traumatic events and a slight trigger reminds many of the state of affairs in the region.
Back to the story line, I remember that being a witness was not an easy one. My experience was just one but then I can imagine the kind of traumatic battles these people have been fighting in their minds.
When conflict remains unabated, several factors may play out.  The NorthEast conflict has remained at the top of several discourse; however, ending this conflict has being the greatest nightmare Nigerians are faced with.
Retrospectively, the conflict in here has destroyed a lot of things, homes, children, and even fragile hearts. Prospectively, this conflict may result in the increasing influx of children and women on the streets, destruction of more homes, school absenteeism, etc.
During war and conflict situation, the main actors are the conflict entrepreneurs, the government, the victims and the humanitarian actors. And as conflict continues unabated, some sect of opinion holders began to make assumptions that the only KEY stakeholder in here remains the GOVERNMENT as the apparatus of government has been accused frequently to be responsible for the sorry state of Nigeria now.
I may rest my case to say that, the wounds of these victims of war are still fresh and we should do more to preach and work for peace rather than invoking war and mayhem.
I may conclude by what two respondents here said when asked by myself about the state of things. They responded thus; ‘’ this conflict has lasted for long and each time we are faced with displacements close to our homes, our minds begin to remember how the case has been from the past years, our wounds are still fresh, and we will need help to deal with our situation right now”. This summarizes an urgent need for help in policy and action, this will purify our societies from the shackles of war and armed conflict.
Thank you for taking the time to read my short article.
Evans Binan Dami
Writer/Researcher/ Social Analyst


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