Monday 1 January 2018

Arc. Hart Bankat greets the youths in a new year message, calls for patriotism & nationbuilding

I am thankful to God for allowing us to see another brand new year!
The last year has been amazing because young people spoke in unison to change the political narrative of our great country.

We the young people have demonstrated with humility and urge for the task ahead, that we are ready to accept the call to serve in leadership for the betterment of our Nation, State and collective destiny of we as a generation of willing progressives.

The #NotTooYoungToRun campaign has been a huge success and I am very thankful to be alive to witness this great feat in our country. We are not contesting with our elders but we are rather saying that we are patriotic enough to lead our country to where we collectively want it to be.

This should be the year that we should be deliberate and partisan in politics especially with the upcoming local government election in Plateau state next month.

We must continue to raise the bar in character while reassuring our elders that we have integrity to lead, but this must be done with respect and humility.

My interaction with youths on the Plateau and beyond has proved without a doubt that we are ready to provide the kind of leadership that serves.

While acknowledging that this is not about me but about all of us; it is a movement that seeks REBIRTH, RENEWAL and REDISCOVERY.

We have been doing the same thing expecting different result but this is the age that we need to ask ourselves if we want to remain at the same spot we are or we want to make progress and change the narrative for our collective betterment.

This is the age of RENAISSANCE, an age that should raise fundamental questions regarding every aspect of our existence.

We have to ponder about issues in order to usher in a new dawn for our society and that is why I am calling for a renaissance.

Let us keep faith in our dear country while also being actively involved in any possible way we can to salvage Nigeria from all the malaise we often complain about. Problems are what bring development to any society because it provides for human beings to put to use their ingenuity to proffer solution(s) to the problem(s).
I look forward to a more fruitful friendship with the great and dynamic youth, women and elders on the Plateau while also assuring you of my loyalty support in any way that is needed.

May God bless us and bless our dear country Nigeria and Plateau state, Amen.

Arc. Hart Bankat

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