Friday 29 December 2017

Opinion: The Role of Youths in the Security of Communities - By Datong Dominic Gwaman

Youth are the most active of the population and are the most affected by insecurity. They are also, unfortunately, the
tools used to breakdown physical security. Although most responsibility for security lies in the Government, the Youths are an important partner in the provision of security.
In order to assist Government despite its failures, Youths must:
• Be patriotic by protecting the society which they belong to
• Monitor the conduct of security officers by documenting and reporting to the appropriate quarters, mis-conducts by security agents and agencies
• Report owners and local producers of small arms to the appropriate quarters
• Engage in profitable ventures including schooling, farming, building of technical skills
• Restrain from being used by those that profit from communal insecurity and report them accordingly
• Desist from drug abuse, make efforts to reform those affected but report those who insist to the authorities
• Form security groups that will brainstorm routinely on security situations and gather information for onward forwarding to security agents
• Upholding and improving non-arm carrying security personnel (Vigilanté)
• Imbibe peace building initiatives to pacify aggrieved youths
Challenges of Curbing Security
• Lack of communal trust in the physical security system especially the personnel who indulge in bribery and therefore corruption of their responsibilities
• Prevalence of unemployed youths, a good breeding ground for armed robbery and other societal vices
• Lack of Good Governance resulting in increase in people aggrieved with the society and willing to participate in violence and crime.
• Do-it-at-all-cost politicking making crime a source of income to youths.
Datong Dominic Gwaman
Conflict. Security and Development Expert

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