Monday 18 December 2017

United States Ambassador W. Stuart Symington has this message for Nigerian Youths

 It has been a little over a year since I arrived in Nigeria.  Everywhere I go, I’m constantly impressed by the drive and enthusiasm of young Nigerians, especially members of the YALI Network.  Whether through mentoring sessions like the one in September with the Abuja chapter or the conversation I had last week with Network members at the Consulate General in Lagos, I often feel I learn as much from you as you might from me.  Thanks for being part of this community!

In our conversations, one topic that comes up repeatedly is the need for improved transparency in government, business, and other aspects of society.  My response has been constant.  Good governance and transparency is everyone’s responsibility, and it starts with you!

U.S. Mission Nigeria is your partner in addressing these challenges.  In July this year, we joined with civil society and religious leaders in Nigeria to launch Report Yourself, a web-based platform that empowers citizens to tackle corruption in Nigeria.  We’ve hosted roundtable discussions with stakeholders to brainstorm new ways to fight fraud.  We’ve met with young groups, like BudgIT and others, who are doing exciting things in the region and around the world to demonstrate the importance of honesty and personal responsibility.

How can you be involved?  Last week, the YALI Network and U.S. Mission Nigeria launched #YALILeads, a campaign to promote transparency and accountability in Nigeria.  I ask that you make your pledge today to make your voice heard!  Through #YALILeads you can access online resources, tell your own unique story, and connect and to a community that cares as much about Nigeria’s future as you do.  I hope you’ll join us!
Pledge Now!

Yours sincerely,

W. Stuart Symington
U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Nigeria

U.S. Embassy in Nigeria
Plot 1075 Diplomatic Drive
Central District Area, Abuja, Nigeria
Phone: (234)-9-461-4000

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