Saturday 16 December 2017

Opinion: Let's Embrace Peace - By Chol Badung Chuhwak.

No one has control over which family he wants to be born into,that is why a lot who are either Christians or Muslims on the Plateau happen to be so because they found themselves been born into either a Christian or Muslim home or family.
Therefore the question to ask is what has been the basis for the hate against each other on the Plateau?
Now here is the issue,over the years our parents,grandparents,the society and the system we are in has so programmed many on the Plateau to view people from another religion as either inferior or less therefore taking Plateau State backwards,and we found ourselves fighting on things we odd not to,many find themselves hating people who are not in their religion for no just reason as normal,and so the crisis we had on the Plateau has been as a result of the long time stereotyping,hate and dangerous speeches which has been on-going for long without a counter productive measure to diffuse such thoughts from the minds of many here on the Plateau,both the young and old are guilty we cannot continue these way.

We have become so suspicious of one another to the point that it has affected our relationship with one another and the peace Plateau State is known for,Plateau State is the home of Peace and Tourism the melting point of Nigeria therefore all hands must be on deck to take our state to an enviable height,because we are a great people on the Plateau.
We must begin to lay more emphasis on issues that unite us as a people,teach our children, talk about the essences of Peace to everyone, educate ourselves on the issues of Peace because there is no place on earth that has witness a remarkable development without Peace what next ....yes identify issues and things that unite us and then concentrate more on them because Plateau State is for us all,we must stand for anything that promotes Peace on the Plateau,shun provocative talks, speech,actions and all forms of extremism in which ever manner.
Let's embrace Peace.
Chol Badung Chuhwak.

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